2.5"x 3.5"(ACEO) oil on artboard Sold
Color correcting in photoshop is driving me up a wall. If anyone has advice on color correction I'd love to hear it. I mean I'm just trying to get an image on my monitor that looks anywhere close to the painting. Right now I spend waaaaay too much time adjusting the colors to get it close. It would be a miracle to have a camera or scanner that would accurately capture the color in a painting.
Hey Jay - it's beautiful. I would suggest calibrating your monitor (you or a computer-person) and then uploading your photo (that you've taken in bright shade) directly to your computer. I wouldn't think you should have to colour correct then. Good luck! Computers are great when everything is going swimmingly, but there are days you're glad a sledgehammer isn't nearby.
Eeks - I wrote "Jay" instead of Jeff! So sorry!
I know exactly what your talking about. When I photograph my hand dyed fiber, natural light is the only way to get an accurate photograph.
Helped more than any other "tricks" I tried. Didn't need to set the white balance or mess with computer fixes. 50mm lens was also helpful.
Jeff, this painting is a favorite! stunning.
the color and light are beautiful.
Thanks much guys!
Yeah I've got it calibrated. Hell I've got both monitors calibrated and they both look different! :(
I scan my paintings now because want high res versions and they are a million times more clear. My camera eats it in comparison. Oh well, I'll keep trying.
Amen to that. My camera tends to make things darker, for instance a white canvas, or watercolor paper tends to have a bluish tent to it. Go figure. What I did was raise the brightness some along with some contrast. Still doesn't get the colors right. I use Paint.net its free. Also, I take my photos of the paintings outside under a porch which has lite but in shade. Your colors look great anyway I wouldn't have none if you didn't say anything.
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