4"x4" oil on masonite SOLD
This is the last little sketch (it's a mini) that I was able to fit in right before we moved. Seems appropriate for a couple in transit like ourselves. This was a quick practice is trying to get the colors right (blur your eyes and it should read).
I'm back. Seriously this time I am back and am painting regularly again. I've got two more paintings to post as soon as I find a digital camera. We just finished unpacking the last boxes and the dust is settling (literally!) at our new house. The whole ordeal (the buying and selling) was even harder than I imagined and I'm a pessimist. On the bright side I think I could pass a real estate exam and I'm almost a licensed electrician. Now I'm ready to do something that I actually enjoy "putting one color next another in the right relationship".
The only other excuse I do have for myself is that I having been keeping up with exercising my eyeball by doing what I call digital starts. What's that? I take a photo (or part) into photoshop , make a copy and then try to match the basic color masses. If I have time I try to introduce some color variations.
What's the point? I was looking for a quick, no mess, 15-30 minute drill that would exercise my ability to judge colors when I couldn't actually pick up a paint brush. Here's some examples. If you're interested in knowing more I'll post more about it later. These are some of the better ones.

Yes, please, Jeff! I've been using Photoshop's Paint Daubs to help me simplify values in my thoughts before painting, but your system looks like more of the kick in the head that I think I need.
Please share!
ooh I really like the couple on the beach, definitely get the impression of a blustery day out there... pretty typical for our beaches on the left coast...
nice job on the digital starts, what a great tool!
WELCOME BACK! I missed you. Great new stuff.
i would love to know how youre doing those digital starts. i think it would really help me train my eye. hows it done?
Thanks guys. Great to be back. :)
I'm gunna put up a post soon explaining the digital starts. There's really not much too it. You actually just use brush or pen tool make the big masses first and then make temp variations within each. I turn the photo copy into a black and white line drawing (with photocopy filter) then paint over it over. The line drawing doesn't help with value or color, just shape. That way I can focus on just getting colors right and not on drawing. I'll explain it soon. it's real simple and fast.
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