6" x 6" oil on masonite NFS
Thanks to everyone for your kind words (not to mention purchases) on my first 120 paintings. I've had some great encouragement and suggestions. Wish me luck on my next 120. From now on, I'm going to post them and give comments as I go. I'd love to hear any feedback. :)
Jeff...you are to be commended for your hard work, and I am humbled to have my words taken so literally, and take heart knowing someone has been listening.
Your works here I do believe validate what I have often and long said.
I believe as your works move on with each you show improved compositional variation, color, intrigue, an a sense of understanding the effects of light. In essense, you have and are becoming a painter. When I say that, I set a distinction between an artist that paints...and a painter!
They say it takes 21 days to develop a habit, just as long to break one.
After painting consecutively for many days, a painting a day or painting every day...it will come simply to not feel right not to be painting. You come to feel more fully alive painting; as though celebrating life comes thru painting.
I do believe that hilarity, the gaity...the joy of such living can be seen in your collective works, so once again...congratulations. Many nice works going on here!!! Congrads also on the sales...a confirmation that folks like and appreciate what they see happening.
Now...when I reference in the future...I will have to include a link to your blog as a final..."there...see for yourself!"
Larry, Thanks so much. For lack of better words, I am simply honored by your comments. Thanks again, and I'll see you on WetCanvas
Hi, I thought I'd come back (from WetCanvas! when I commented on your 120 paintings) to ask what you are using for a support on these paintings with the texture? I really like the look. You've done a great job in sharing your growth. Like I commented before - I'm so inspired.
Thanks Nancy! Support? Well short answer is gessoed masonite. I had someone else ask me the same question and here is the long version:
I start with a simply piece of 1/4" thick masonite. I use a palette knife to roughly cover it with thick gesso. This is the what gives it the appearance of pallete knife work when it's really just the support. when that's dry I then cover it with a quick coat of black gesso. I like painting on black because I like the way the colors look in contrast to the black. I got this method from Karen Jurick who paints on black gesso. Lately and finally Ive been adding a last coat of varnish to make the gesso less "thirstly" so it doesn't soak too much oil from the paint. I don't know if that last part is really necessary though. Then I sketch out the rough composition with a white chalk pencil.
Thank you for sharing. I have a huge bucket of white acrylic gesso... I'll check into the black. Now that you mention it, I do see a similarity in Karin's work. I'm using a canvas pad right now. After it and the few canvas panels I have are gone, I'll try my had at the masonite panels... sounds like a job to me. I may need to get the hubby involved. *wink.
Luminous blues and I like the heavy application of gesso adding texture to the painting.
Jeff, just checked out your first 120, and off to the next and many many many more to come... Wow... found you from Larry class and wow... you are amazing. I am truly inspired!
Best Wishes
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